Fabi Fire comments the always so burning topic about Stockholm contra Berlin people. Do Swedish men lack of romantic stature? And do the citizens from Stockholm represent a decadent “sex & the city” lifestyle? Please help us to clear out the issue here in the blog.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Fabi Fire about the difference between Stockholm and Berlin Girls
Posted by
Joel Gustav Ekelöf
12:43 PM
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So, the reason why you guys are totally fucked up is because the Swedish girls are too easy? Hahah, you just dumped a truckload of bricks in a glass house.
Let's turn it around for a second. Maybe the Swedish girls are easy for a reason. Perhaps there's something about what Daphne says about passive Swedish men. I'd say, Swedish girls have to be easy or we don't get fucking any.
Of course there's no romance in it. We've all long since given up hope that we'll ever get some romance. Perhaps, the Swedish girls actually LIKE having sex and have bitterly learned that there'll be no roses or romantic evening walks; absolutely no foreplay or out-of-the-ordinary sexual experiences at all unless we take command of the situation by ourselves.
Which, indeed, is quite liberating from a feminist point of view, but rather boring from a sexual point of view. But c'est la vie. If you have to choose between being bitter and unfucked or being happy and easy, I personally choose the latter. What kind of girl would Mr. Fabi prefer?
berlin girls need romance???
i don't think so ;P
Anna WORD!!! jag kunde inte uttryckt det bättre själv...vilken jävla små borgerlig idiotkommentar från mr fabi...(hoppas att det är okej att säga sånt här...vet han om att han är objekt för kritisk granskning?) aja det är i och för sig inte mitt problem...joel va fan! sätt någon vettigare person i rutan!!! jag vill inte höra om folk som tycker att det är sjukt att knulla...jag vill höra om folk som knullar sjukt...peace
vänta...jag måste bara säga det igen...easy to get??? asså fattar man inte att det är patetiskt att forfarande hävda ett mansideal som går ut på att vara erövraren. fan enjoy att bli erövrad istället, invaderad eller va fan som helst. ta tillfälle att få vara lite virginal. det är ju något ni historikt har missat. jag måste säga som kommentar till mig själv om passiva män...att ni faktiskt förtjänar det! och dessutom med en sådan erfarenhet kommer ni kanske inte längre tycka att det är så kul att stå och se söta ut medan er motpart skakar på huvudet åt er naivitet.
The good thing about Swedish guys is that as a Swedish female you can be a lesbian, infiltrate and subvert normative heterosexual structures PLUS enjoy the pleasures of a functining penis, all at the same time. (Det är ju tre önskningar på en gång!)
You deserve it indeed. And you seem to like it, too!
This is very interesting posts from Stockholm girls! Now I would love to know what the girls from Berlin thinks about this issue!
Tror du det själv eller?
I don't know about Berlin, but I wonder how would a swedish man be, look or live without women...so I think that swedes don't really care about nationality, women are women. Nationality is instead a good mark to recognize, remind, increase pieces of their collection. Women are butterflies that swedes use to feel colorful and attract other butterflies... yes the old good excuse, would you like to see my collection? But touch the wings too much make the colors disappear. Repetitive things are gray and sad...
Sorry about the seeming bitterness by the way, I'm suffering from insomnia, unfuckedness and generalized boredom.
But I stick to my point. You won't be getting any comments from any "romantic" Berliners defending their puritan stance (presuming, thus, that there is any truth whatsoever in the rather prejudiced statements of Mr.Fabi, which I doubt, as Mayumi has already tried to prove here).
The ability to express an opinion is connected to a sense of subjectivity, subjectivity is connected to the abstract idea of a phallic ("male") sexuality, and a phallic sexuality puts no wheight on keeping oneself pure and unfucked.
Which brings me back to something I've been telling Olle all along. If you want a good fuck, go for the girl who comes into a room with her hair all messed up, who talks a little bit too much and laughs a little bit too loud. Go for the girl who conquers her surroundings rather than sitting around like a weepy little pretty-girl statue.
She may rape you in your sleep, throw things at you, scream at you and leave you totally bewildered, but she'll be a living, changing subject rather than a dry little object for you to catch. If you want that kind of romance, perhaps you should start with the collecting butterflies instead.
(You know dead butterflies smell like shit, by the way? I've had a lot to do with the little shits through my mothers job. Totally unfuckable, in my opinion.)
jo me det är ju så det funkar. alla är så jävla narcissistiska och tycker om att spegla sig i saker som de omger sig med. typ om jag går brevid henne och hon är snygg så betyder ju det att jag är en het kille liksom.
jag är bittert besviken på att det saknas på riktigt vuxna personer där ute som faktiskt tycker att det är spännande att upptäcka en ny individ. Alla söker bara bekräfta sin egen inskränkta självbild.
narcissistien är vår tids jävul. ytlig, saknar förmåga att uppleva och uttrycka magi. tror patetiskt nog att magi är ett barnsligt påfunn.
Faktum är därmed att romantiken idag är mer en upprorisk kraft än något konventionellt och konservativt. Den passionerade individen utmanar våra föreställningar om det trygga, igenkännbara och civiliserade. den personen är således ett skrämmande exempel på hur lätt det är att drabbas av en egen kontrollförlust.
leve kärleken, leve kärleken, leve kärleken, leve kärleken, leve kärleken!!!
jag kommer alltid att kämpa för din existentiella rätt.
Sometimes it has nothing to do with romance, but view on one’s own body. Sexuality is sometimes considered as being linked to the self, which means that giving away sex is like giving away a part of the self. Not having casual sex does not mean that you hope to live a romance or meet the man of your life. Sexuality is what we have in common with non human animals. Food, then sex. Maybe human beings are more than rabbits, fucking all the time? (though it depends on people). If one agrees on the fact that “Berlin girls” are not easy to get, it can mean that they maybe want to have sex with someone who can appreciate them outside the perspective of “a sexual being”. Thus, it has nothing to do with being romantic but with one’s sexual view as a part of one’s integrity. But as it has been said before, this is all about subjectivity. There can also be Berlin girls waiting for a romance and Berlin girls easy to get.
Guys are fucked up because girls are not easy to get? It means a lot. It means that guys, on the other way round are easy to get too since they are looking for easy girls and cannot find them.
So the real question is: är svenska män mer än kaniner? :)
i think the answer is very easy: berlin girls are harder to get because they don't wanna be called "bitches".
you don't call girls that in sweden, thats the difference.
so it seems that people are more open in sweden. but in the end it is all the same. as a wise swedish guy once told me: "we would never call a girl a bitch. it's totally okay if she sleeps with everyone, but then she's no girlfriend-material."
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